Aurora Melody
This is my blog. I share what I like here. Music, Chemistry, and Love. :) follow me @Sheiilalaa_WL
About Me
- Sheila Irliani
- 18. Currently Studying Chemistry. I just an ordinary girl who have extraordinary dream. :) I always be myself, 'cause what I have is the best of me that others do not have. ;) I ♥ Pink, Hellokitty, Glitter, Bulu², Bling², Disney, Music, Piano, Westlife ! I'm @apong_setiawan's \̽▴̲̊̽▴̲̊̽̽▴̲̊̽/̽.
Bisnis Online Mudah dan Terpercaya
buat para pelajar / mahasiswa yang butuh uang saku (tanpa perlu minta ke orang tua), kalian bisa mendapatkannya sendiri hanya dengan online depan komputer (mudah bukan ? ). untuk info lebih lanjut klik disini
Tugas Akhir TI
To the point aja ya. Aku disuruh bikin artikel di blog ini tentang suka duka selama belajar TI termasuk bikin tugasnya. Jujur, awalnya aku bingung, kenapa ada MatKul TI ? (aku kan jurusan kimia) lagian dari jaman sekolah juga udah ada pelajaran tentang Teknologi Informasi itu, dan yang di pelajari pasti ga jauh beda, itu itu aja. kan bosen. Tapi emang dasar TI itu universal, jadi mau ga mau kita harus belajar. Soal jadwalnya, kebetulan TI itu hari rabu, bareng KimDas sama FisDas (padet banget) pas paginya lagi. Dan yang bikin nyesek, kalo abis belajar TI, terus dua jam berikutnya dosen ga pada masuk. Jadi kita dateng pagi-pagi ke kampus tuh cuma buat TI. *tepokjidat. Tapi aku salut sama bapaknya, dateng selalu on time, malah kitanya yang suka kesiangan. maaf ya pa ? :) Aku pernah sekali kesiangan dan ga berani masuk, nunggu bapaknya keluar aja. hehe Ternyata, belajar TI di kampus itu beda banget sama di sekolah, dan rasanya sungguh amat sangat menyenangkan. Kenapa ? karena setiap bapak ngasih materi, kita semakin penasaran untuk tahu lebih lanjut (jadi menambah wawasan). Contohnya aja dalam buat blog. Gara-gara di kasih tugas bikin blog, aku jadi punya blog. Padahal kan kalo engga di suruh, mana mau bikin ? males soalnya . hehe ga ada banyak kesulitan selama buat blog, paling untuk memperindahnya aja. Misalnya, aku pengen pake template biar ada kategorinya (artikel-artikel tsb) tapi yang jadi masalah, waktu aku copy kode htmlnya terus di save, itu ga bisa. Katanya harus dalam format xml (ga ngerti) sama halnya waktu aku pengen ganti kursor. Ya, jadilah blog aku gini, apa adanya. Waktu buat design spanduk juga ga masalah, karna aku emang biasa ngedit di photoscape. Kalo soal temen di facebook, sebenernya aku punya 2 fb , yang satu lagi itu dari waktu SMA namanya “Aurora WL’rs SheiRa”, Cuma karna susah ganti nama pake nama asli dan temennya udah limit (5000 orang) aku jadi bikin lagi pas kuliah, temennya juga yang sekarang udah lumayan ada 1000 lebih. At least, makasih buat bapak, karna bapak , aku jadi ga terlalu gaptek. *cheers “semoga saya dapat nilai A dari tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh bapa” #wish
The Chemistry of Love
There are a lot of chemicals racing around your brain and body when you're in love. Researchers are gradually learning more and more about the roles they play both when we are falling in love and when we're in long-term relationships. Of course,estrogen and testosteroneplay a role in the sex drive area (see How Sex Works). Without them, we might never venture into the "real love" arena.
That initial giddiness that comes when we're first falling in love includes a racing heart, flushed skin and sweaty palms. Researchers say this is due to the dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine we're releasing. Dopamine is thought to be the "pleasure chemical," producing a feeling of bliss. Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline and produces the racing heart and excitement. According to Helen Fisher, anthropologist and well-known love researcher from Rutgers University, together these two chemicals produce elation, intense energy, sleeplessness, craving, loss of appetite and focused attention. She also says, "The human body releases the cocktail of love rapture only when certain conditions are met and ... men more readily produce it than women, because of their more visual nature."
Researchers are using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to watch people's brains when they look at a photograph of their object of affection. According to Helen Fisher, a well-known love researcher and an anthropologist at Rutgers University, what they see in those scans during that "crazed, can't-think-of-anything-but stage of romance" -- the attraction stage -- is the biological drive to focus on one person. The scans showed increased blood flow in areas of the brain with high concentrations of receptors for dopamine -- associated with states of euphoria, craving and addiction. High levels of dopamine are also associated with norepinephrine, which heightens attention, short-term memory, hyperactivity, sleeplessness and goal-oriented behavior. In other words, couples in this stage of love focus intently on the relationship and often on little else.
Another possible explanation for the intense focus and idealizing view that occurs in the attraction stage comes from researchers at University College London. They discovered that people in love have lower levels of serotonin and also that neural circuits associated with the way we assess others are suppressed. These lower serotonin levels are the same as those found in people with obsessive-compulsive disorders, possibly explaining why those in love "obsess" about their partner.
The Relationship Between Chemistry And Love
Friend, Maybe some of us do not like chemistry. Similarly, I at first. Chemistry is my greatest horror at the high school and inversely proportional to the physics who became the favorite. But after entering college and thought a bit open, interrupted by the Earth science studies as if inspired to find the fact that Chemistry is the mother of science. Chemicals can be said as well as the science of change, who learn about all kinds of different substances and how substances interact with each other. Because the science of chemistry wanted to unite both the geochemistry and geology, then take a chemical S2 who is also a suggestion of a Super Senior is the right choice I thought .. :)Why is chemistry so important? all branches of science it is surely related to the chemical. Even in daily activities, when we eat, breathe, in how we live, and what kind of shape we are.Now we return to the title, what do Chemistry and Love? we often hear in the abstract language such as Chemistry of Love. The latter is likely to be more interesting if we are expounding longer.
Love Sangking extent it could be likened to anything, could be gold, silver, diamonds, water and others. What is clear in my view he is to become one, that's all. Our perception may develop anywhere on this depending on what perspective you are taking. Just to note is how the process into one.If we baratkan Gold, we dig dialam then that we will meet is a quartzite rocks form an elongated veins follow fractures. Well quartzite rocks are not yet be said of gold, because many other elements that are still bound as silica and others. What is needed is how to make it pure.To make it pure, we need a chemical process called oxidation process commonly used by local miners, its function is to separate the oxides of silica from the rocks, so that ultimately we will only see the elements Au, that is pure gold. And other chemical processes Destillasi name commonly used by large companies, where the separation is done by way of an amalgamation where at a certain temperature the element Au (gold) will be united. Thus the reaction is similar to the union of two hearts, as we often hear in life romance romanticism of "I am get melting of you" which means "I melt with you".If it becomes united, then Love is the reaction that drives the life ... So all the Life and meaningful, where hate is a deadly reaction and freeze a relationship.Like love Qais told Laylah, any heavy obstacles that come in their hearts remain adrift, where Qais was always his love poems that make up the heart laila laila increasingly fell in love and always adrift on Qays. Similarly Rabiatul Adawiyah great love to his Lord, he never left his recall, every day just surrender to Him, so Rabiah worship not because of fear of hell or because they want to go syurga, but only because of love in Him.Thus, what makes it come together? the answer is a reaction to the name of communication. Everywhere the meeting of two hearts must be in mediation by the communication, can be in any form, verbal non-verbal, through third parties and other media. Cutting off communication is almost the same as deciding a relationship so that the other compounds appear dirty, with no communication then everything will be bland. Communication is meant here is good communication and a heart to heart. Thus arises of understanding and knowing the portion of each. If in the process destillasi (in the smelting of gold) required a certain boiling point to make it come together, as are the necessary relations point where we can understand each other and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. And that makes it to the point it was "good communication".
I like the air,
spread up into,
I'm lost in the light,
Because I was Light.
Like the ether everywhere.
where is the Air,
where is the light,
there is only one.
It's not a story about his story of The Alchemy Chelho Paolo who told me about a teacher that turns sand into gold. But only a simple graffiti to make sense of life.So, friends .. Lessons have we learned from the Chemical Sciences, Love and Communication?
Love Sangking extent it could be likened to anything, could be gold, silver, diamonds, water and others. What is clear in my view he is to become one, that's all. Our perception may develop anywhere on this depending on what perspective you are taking. Just to note is how the process into one.If we baratkan Gold, we dig dialam then that we will meet is a quartzite rocks form an elongated veins follow fractures. Well quartzite rocks are not yet be said of gold, because many other elements that are still bound as silica and others. What is needed is how to make it pure.To make it pure, we need a chemical process called oxidation process commonly used by local miners, its function is to separate the oxides of silica from the rocks, so that ultimately we will only see the elements Au, that is pure gold. And other chemical processes Destillasi name commonly used by large companies, where the separation is done by way of an amalgamation where at a certain temperature the element Au (gold) will be united. Thus the reaction is similar to the union of two hearts, as we often hear in life romance romanticism of "I am get melting of you" which means "I melt with you".If it becomes united, then Love is the reaction that drives the life ... So all the Life and meaningful, where hate is a deadly reaction and freeze a relationship.Like love Qais told Laylah, any heavy obstacles that come in their hearts remain adrift, where Qais was always his love poems that make up the heart laila laila increasingly fell in love and always adrift on Qays. Similarly Rabiatul Adawiyah great love to his Lord, he never left his recall, every day just surrender to Him, so Rabiah worship not because of fear of hell or because they want to go syurga, but only because of love in Him.Thus, what makes it come together? the answer is a reaction to the name of communication. Everywhere the meeting of two hearts must be in mediation by the communication, can be in any form, verbal non-verbal, through third parties and other media. Cutting off communication is almost the same as deciding a relationship so that the other compounds appear dirty, with no communication then everything will be bland. Communication is meant here is good communication and a heart to heart. Thus arises of understanding and knowing the portion of each. If in the process destillasi (in the smelting of gold) required a certain boiling point to make it come together, as are the necessary relations point where we can understand each other and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. And that makes it to the point it was "good communication".
I like the air,
spread up into,
I'm lost in the light,
Because I was Light.
Like the ether everywhere.
where is the Air,
where is the light,
there is only one.
It's not a story about his story of The Alchemy Chelho Paolo who told me about a teacher that turns sand into gold. But only a simple graffiti to make sense of life.So, friends .. Lessons have we learned from the Chemical Sciences, Love and Communication?
(From Latest Release To Oldest Release)
Greatest Hits
Where We Are
Back Home
The Love Album
Face To Face
Released – South Africa
Allow Us To Be Frank
Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Vol.1
World Of Our Own
Coast To Coast
(From Latest Release To Oldest Release)
What About Now
Something Right
Us Against The World
The Rose
When You Tell Me That You Love Me (With Diana Ross)
You Raise Me Up
Smile (Not Officially Release)
Hey Whatever
Bop Bop Baby
World Of Our Own
Queen Of My Heart
When You’re Looking Like That
Uptown Girl
I Lay My Love On You
What Makes A Man
My Love
Against All Odds (Feat. Mariah Carey)
Fool Again
I Have A Dream/Seasons In The Sun
Flying Without Wings
If I Let You Go
Swear It Again
What About Now
Something Right
Us Against The World
The Rose
When You Tell Me That You Love Me (With Diana Ross)
You Raise Me Up
Smile (Not Officially Release)
Hey Whatever
Bop Bop Baby
World Of Our Own
Queen Of My Heart
When You’re Looking Like That
Uptown Girl
I Lay My Love On You
What Makes A Man
My Love
Against All Odds (Feat. Mariah Carey)
Fool Again
I Have A Dream/Seasons In The Sun
Flying Without Wings
If I Let You Go
Swear It Again
(From Latest Release To Oldest Release)
Where We Are Tour: Live From The O2
10 Years Of Westlife: Live At Croke Park Stadium
Back Home DVD
Live At Wembley
The No.1′s Tour
The Turnaround Tour
The Greatest Hits Tour
Unbreakable – The Greatest Hits
Where Dreams Come True Tour
Coast To Coast
The Westlife Story
(From Latest Release To Oldest Release)
World Of Our Own
Uptown Girl
Band members: Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan
Formed in: 3 July 1998
Come from: Ireland
Albums sold: 44 million
Albums released: 11
No.1 singles in the UK: 14
Manager: Louis Walsh
Current Record Company: RCA
Ex band-member: Brian McFadden (3 July 1998 – 9 March 2004)
“We know we can sing. That’s the easy part,” says Shane Filan, one quarter of the most successful boy band of the last decade.
Twelve years, ten albums and 44million sales into their career, Westlife came to a crossroads earlier this year.
Did they stick to the winning formula that had produced 14 No1s (only three less than The Beatles), or tear themselves away from their comfort zone, shred the rule book and start again?
The latter, as it happens. And in emphatic style.
The quartet’s eleventh offering, Gravity, sees the Irishmen sail into uncharted waters, wrestle an unprecedented level of creative control and most critically of all – start believing in themselves again.
“It’s a really good album,” insists Nicky Byrne. “It’s one producer. It’s one sound. Maybe it’s taken us twelve years to get there. But it doesn’t matter. We’re here now.
“It’s the kind of record we knew we could make and we just needed the right person to deliver it with us.”
And that individual was legendary producer John Shanks. He steered Take That’s last two collections, was responsible for Bon Jovi’s recent reinvention and sculpted some of Kelly Clarkson, Celine Dion and Sheryl Crow’s most enduring hits.
As sessions sprang into life this summer, first in London and then Los Angeles, it quickly became clear that the recording process would be radically different from anything the lads had ever done before.
Nicky recalls, “From day one John said, ‘I’m not going to be ringing Shane up and saying I want him in on Wednesday lunchtime and Kian in on Friday morning.
“’’If I’m going to do this, we’re all going to be in the studio together.’
“That was the first time anyone had ever said that to us. He made us feel like a real band again.”
And injecting that sense of coherence, togetherness and freedom was critical for the group.
They had to confront some painful truths about how much creative steam they were lacking.
Shane admits, “We made some choices over recent years that we weren’t happy with. We got to a point where we were selling so much, we didn’t think twice about doing a Rat Pack album or an album of covers of love songs. They were selling millions, but we eventually realised we needed some original songs again.
“For us to keep going as a band, for us to remain excited, we had to write our own material, not just record other people’s songs.”
And collaborating with Shanks saw the lads flex song-writing muscles that had been little-employed over the previous decade.
Nicky explains: “It’s not like it was in the past where we had a lot of covers. John insisted we get involved. Now we’ve got an album of twelve tracks and four are co-written.”
Shane reiterates: “It was very natural the way we bonded with John. He really wanted to get us involved in each song. We really feel like we’ve made this album together. We were there from the start to the finish. It feels like we were in the happiest place we have ever been making an album.”
Yet, one track confronts one of the most painful experiences two of the lads’ had ever gone through.
Kian and Nicky’s respective fathers both passed away over the last twelve months and they explore their grief in the most personal song the group have ever recorded.
Too Hard To Say Goodbye is a tender, tear-jerking ballad that many will identify with.
“Myself and Kian lost our dads last year. My dad died of a heart attack over night and Kian’s dad died over the course of a year” says Nicky. “We were discussing the loss with John over lunch one day and he said, ‘Let’s write a song about it’. We had tears in our eyes when we were putting it together. But it’s one song we’re all really, especially proud of.”
Elsewhere on the collection can be found the results of a conscious effort to erase some of the preconceptions that have weighed heavily around the four piece’s necks for many a year.
Nicky explains, “I’m not boring. I know I’m not boring.
“I’ve never liked the fact we got tarred with the brush that we were just these four lads who sit on stools, wear suits and sing slow songs.”
Beautiful Tonight echoes the crisp, euphoric electronic pop of Erasure, claims Shane, while banger No One’s Gonna Sleep Tonight is “Westlife does the Black Eyed Peas.”
“We’re twelve years in and all at least thirty years of age,” says Mark Feehily. “We could all go home now and we’d be alright for the rest of our lives.
“So, if we are going to make more records we want to do it well otherwise we don’t want to do it at all.”
And Gravity shows these four individuals to be men of their words
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